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     (Updated: 09.01.03)

Competitor Countdown
Competition Checklist
Optimize your Performance



Throughout their years of dancing together, Joel and Clara have learnt a lot about the various aspects of DanceSport.  Competitive dancing is a very complex endeavour, taking years and years to master.  Even now, Joel and Clara are still learning new things about DanceSport each and every day.  

Through this website, Joel and Clara will be sharing with you some of the knowledge and experience they have acquired over the years.  Every month or two, there will be new articles posted.  If you have any comments or suggestions on what you'd like to read about, please contact them!




(Note: It is illegal to reproduce any material from this web site without the expressed written consent from Joel Marasigan & Clara Shih)

m a k e   y o u r   d r e a m s    a   r e a l i t y

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