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Dancing Essentials: Home


Essentials Home
Dance Shoes
Physical Training
Mental Training
The Dance Team

September Specials



   Over the past several years, Joel & Clara's drive, determination and willingness to learn have helped them achieve very high results.  Throughout their journey, Joel & Clara have learned a lot about DanceSport and specifically, ideas to help maximize their improvement. 

   Within this Dancing Essentials section, you will find free information that will help you become a better dancer and/or DanceSport competitor.  Joel & Clara have learned that dance lessons and practices are only some of the essential building blocks to good dancing.  There are many more factors to becoming a very good, or even great dancer and competitor; many of which can only be learnt through experience. 

   The following pages are a few of Joel & Clara's personal suggestions.  If there is something you'd like to learn more about, please do not hesitate to contact them.

m a k e   y o u r   d r e a m s    a   r e a l i t y

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