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Dancing Essentials: Nutrition


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September Specials


(Updated: 09.01.03)

   A healthy dancer is a dancer that has the capacity to reach their full potential.  Proper nutrition is the key to keeping your body in the best possible state to train, practice, perform and compete. 

   The science of Sports Nutition has been around for decades.  Top professional and olympic athletes employ the expertise of Sports Nutritionists, to help their bodies cope with the strenuous training exercises they do, and to help them "peak" at the right date and time for the competition.

   Do you know what type of foods you need to eat during periods of strenuous training?  Do you know how many calories your body needs?  How many grams of protein?  How much fat?  Do you know what to eat the night before a competition?  Do you know what and how much to eat the day of your competition?

   Most importantly, do you feel like you have the energy to train to your capacity and compete to your fullest potential?  If not, perhaps you should learn more about your body's needs, and ways to increase the nutritional value of your diet through changing the foods that you eat or through nutritional supplementation.


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